Say no!
to losing
at the


Warehouses lose an average from $300K to $1M per 100 employees annually due to ineffective workers and subjective performance assessments.

Measure the efficiency of warehouse workers in real time

individual assessment of the potential of warehouse workers

improving the efficiency of warehouse workers

How do Warehouses

Ineffective Warehouse Workers

Subjective Performance Evaluation

Wasted Resources


    Research firm IDC found that inefficiency costs companies anywhere from 20% to 30% of their revenue every yea


    2019 Benchmarking Study

      A survey by the National Warehouse Association (NWA) found that 60% of warehouse operators reported that employee inefficiency was a major challenge, with 25% citing it as the biggest challenge.


        OnePoll found that 26% of every employee's day is wasted on needless administration tasks, unnecessary meetings, and outdated technology.


          RA survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that 45% of employers reported between 12 and 18% of their workforce being deemed 'redundant' due to subjective assessments of their capabilities.


          Meet the cutting-edge AI-based device designed specifically for Warehouses.

          Real-Time Tracking

          Real-Time Tracking

's smart bracelets track employee attendance, location, and movement in real-time, providing objective data.

          Integrated Analytics

          Integrated Analytics

          The system seamlessly integrates with warehouse management systems (WMS) to analyze worker productivity metrics.

          AI-powered assessments

          AI-powered assessments

          Advanced AI algorithms process
          tracking and activity data to assess
          employee effectiveness and potential.

          Utilizing artificial intelligence: How warehouses can mitigate significant financial losses stemming from employee inefficiency.

          Warehouses lose millions due to ineffective workers and faulty, subjective performance evaluations.

          Relying on the limited and subjective observations of team managers, rather than on comprehensive objective data, leads to inaccurate conclusions about employee productivity, which leads to team demotivation and financial losses in the warehouse.

          Studies show that warehouses lose between $300,000 and $1 million annually for every 100 employees due to inefficiencies caused by subjective assessments.

 uses AI-powered analytics to provide real-time employee performance assessments. Using smart bracelets and integrating data from various sources such as workplace tablets and scanners, it offers actionable insights into workforce performance and potential assessment. Therefore, it optimizes the workforce and significantly mitigates financial losses.

          Embrace objective performance assessment and drive profitability with